automobile in Chinese
['ɔ:təməubi:l] Pronunciation:
plural: automobiles
- n.
自动的。 an automobile torpedo 自动鱼雷。
- "for automobile" in Chinese : 汽车用垫毯
- "a blue automobile" in Chinese : 乘坐蓝色的车; 蓝天的车; 青的车
- "aeolus automobile" in Chinese : 风神汽车
- "agricultural automobile" in Chinese : 农用汽车
- "american automobile" in Chinese : 美国汽车
- "amphibian automobile" in Chinese : 水陆两用汽车
- "amphibious automobile" in Chinese : 水陆两用汽车
- "armored automobile" in Chinese : 装甲汽车
- "armoured automobile" in Chinese : 装甲汽车
- "atomic automobile" in Chinese : 原子汽车
- "auto automobile" in Chinese : 汽车
- "automatous automobile" in Chinese : 汽车
- "autombl automobile" in Chinese : 汽车
- "automobile antenna" in Chinese : 汽车天线
- "automobile area" in Chinese : 车天车地
- The parts of an automobile are standardized .
汽车零件是标准化了的。 - This new road is practicable for automobiles .
这条新路可通行汽车。 - I will send my automobile to get you .
我会派我的车子去接你。 - He was inexpert in driving an automobile .
他开车不熟练。 - He never ran barking after wagons or automobiles .
他也从不跟在马车或汽车后面乱吠。 - The automobile was demolished in a collision with the train .
汽车与火车相撞而被毁坏。 - The automobiles in the distance seem tiny and alive .
远处的汽车看去是那么小巧而玲珑。 - An automobile was formerly called a horseless carriage .
汽车原来被叫做不用马拉的车子。 - My father had a narrow squeak in the automobile accident .
我父亲在这次车祸中死里逃生。 - His son was killed in an automobile crash a few days before .
Other Languages
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- "automobile" meaning in French: n. auto, automobile, voiture
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What is the meaning of automobile in Chinese and how to say automobile in Chinese? automobile Chinese meaning, automobile的中文,automobile的中文,automobile的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by