败笔 meaning in Japanese
[ bàibǐ ] Chinese Pronunciation:
"败笔" meaning in Chinese"败笔" in a sentence
- (1)古くなった筆.
- "败" in Japanese : (2)負かす.打ち破る. 人民军队大败侵略qīnlüè军/人民の軍隊は...
- "笔" in Japanese : (1)毛筆?ペン?鉛筆などの総称.『量』枝zhī,支,管guǎn. 一...
- "败火" in Japanese : 〈中医〉熱をさます,のぼせをいやす.
- "败絮" in Japanese : 腐った綿.ぼろ綿. 金玉其外,败絮其中/外面はりっぱだが,中身はひどいものだ ...
- "败毒" in Japanese : 解毒(する). 败毒膏gāo/解毒膏薬.
- "败绩" in Japanese : 〈書〉敗戦.惨敗.戦いに大敗すること.
- "败柳残花" in Japanese : 〈成〉枯れた柳の枝と散り残った花.色香の衰えた女性や貞操を失った未婚の女性? ...
- "败色" in Japanese : いろがずれてのうたんのない
- "败局" in Japanese : 敗色.負けそうな情況. 挽回wǎnhuí败局/敗勢を挽回する.巻きかえす.
- "败落" in Japanese : 落ちぶれる.衰える.没落する. 家道败落/家運が傾く. 这部小说反映了一个封 ...
- "败家子" in Japanese : (移社徨儿)(親の築き上げた)身代をつぶす息子.どら息子.放蕩息子.▼現在は ...
- Even in the bad poems there are redeeming features .
即使坏诗里也有补救败笔的。 - Simple review on the failure in the translation of titles
略评法学篇目英译之败笔 - Any attempt to make up would be self - defeating
任何涂抹都是多余的败笔。 - Any attempt to make up would be self - defeating
任何涂抹都是多余的败笔。 - The face - off scene in the end is also meaningless
尾段变脸一场不明所指,亦是一个败笔。 - Even homer sometimes nod
巨匠也有败笔。 - His second novel , barbary shore , was a critical and financial failure
他的第二本小说, 《北非之岸》 ,无论在评论和销量上都成了败笔。 - If there is a lack of harmony in the intensity and texture of the ink it will not be a top grade painting
有无韵味?如有一笔败笔,即非名家之作。如不够韵味,即非上品。 - Despite some mistakes made by prejudice , there were full of accurate and penetrating analyses in his ideas
其中有不少准确精辟的分析和论述,而在个别问题上也存在着因偏见而导致的败笔。 - It is bound to be a failure , every book is a failure , but i do know with some clarity what kind of book i want to write
Other Languages
- 败笔 in English: 1.(用于书画) a faulty stroke in calligraph...
- 败笔 in French: 名1.trait défectueux(dans l'écriture ou...
- 败笔 in Korean: [명사](1)몽당붓. 못 쓰게 된 붓. 독필(禿筆).(2)그림·시문·...
- 败笔 in Russian: pinyin:bàibǐ1) дурной (скверный) стиль...
- 败笔 meaning in Chinese: bàibǐ写字写得不好的一笔;绘画中画得不好的部分;诗文中写得不好的词句。