banger in Chinese
How to pronounce "banger" Synonyms of "banger" "banger" in a sentence "banger" meaning
n. 〔英俚〕 1.香肠。 2.爆竹。 3.噪音大的破旧汽车,老爷车。
You know , i ' ve actually seen the banger sisters - 你知道,我实际上在看摇滚姐妹 Favorite food : banger , tomato , food by mama 喜欢的食物:肉肠西红柿喜欢的菜系:妈妈的菜 Zhejiang huangyan banger stationery co . , ltd 浙江黄岩邦尔文具有限公司 I mean , to this day they ' re bangers 我指,对现在来说,他们是古董了 These two bangers , they didn ' t mean anything to anybody 这两个小杂碎,对任何人来说他们都象不存在 Banger brand pencil sharpener pencil sharpener 邦尔牌削笔机Big tit schoolgirls bikini banger 摔角女人拳脚相见432 Fireworks - part 10 : double banger - specification and test methods 焰火.第10部分:双响爆竹.规范和试验方法 First time ass bangers 日式捆绑105
Noun firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casing Synonyms: firecracker , cracker , (British informal) pork sausage
What is the meaning of banger in Chinese and how to say banger in Chinese? banger Chinese meaning,
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