rusty in Chinese
[ 'rʌsti ] Pronunciation:
How to pronounce "rusty"Synonyms of "rusty""rusty" in a sentence"rusty" meaning
- adj.
-ily ,-iness n.
〔方言〕发脾气的,恼怒的。 He turned rusty. 他发火了。 cut up rusty 发脾气的。
- "be rusty" in Chinese : 在发脾气
- "cover rusty" in Chinese : 包皮锈; 桶盖赦
- "drums rusty" in Chinese : 桶体有锈; 锈桶
- "get rusty" in Chinese : 长锈; 技术
- "hoops rusty" in Chinese : 桶箍锈
- "rusty 1" in Chinese : 荒疏的; 灰沉沉的; 锈迹斑驳的
- "rusty and dented" in Chinese : 锈和瘪损
- "rusty bat" in Chinese : 锈色伏翼
- "rusty blackbird" in Chinese : 锈色黑鹂
- "rusty blotch" in Chinese : 锈状斑疱
- "rusty brown" in Chinese : 锈棕色的
- "rusty can" in Chinese : 锈罐
- "rusty corroded" in Chinese : 赦的
- "rusty dab" in Chinese : 红蝶; 红鲽
- "rusty expectoration" in Chinese : 铁锈色痰
- The machine has become rusty from disuse .
机器已经因不用而生锈。 - She glanced about the rusty office .
她抬眼扫视了一下这间灰沉沉的办公室。 - The lock on the door is rusty and won't open .
门上的锁锈住了。 - He's bringing up some thick, rusty colored stuff .
他咯出一些粘稠、铁锈色的痰。 - It is really foolish of you to buy such a rusty sword .
你真傻,买了一把生锈的剑。 - He shook his head, shouldered the rusty firelock .
他摇了摇头,掮上那支生锈的火枪。 - Agnes used the name rusty knails as her pen name .
艾格妮丝使用的笔名是RustyKnails。 - His greek is a little rusty .
他的希腊语生疏了。 - My german , tennis , singing is rather rusty .
我久未练习,德语、网球、唱歌水平低了很多。 - I have n't practiced my french for months and it 's getting rusty .
- Adjective
- of the brown color of rust
Synonyms: rust, rust-brown, - ancient; "hoary jokes"
Synonyms: hoary, - covered with or consisting of rust; "a rusty machine"; "rusty deposits"
- impaired in skill by neglect
Synonyms: out of practice,
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