rusty meaning
[ 'rʌsti ] Pronunciation:
Synonyms of "rusty""rusty" in a sentence
- Adjective: rusty (rustier,rustiest) rústee
- Covered with or consisting of rust
"a rusty machine"; "rusty deposits" - Of the brown colour of rust
- rust, rust-brown - Impaired in skill by neglect
- out of practice - Ancient
- hoary
Derived forms: rustier, rustiest
See also: chromatic, old, rust, rusted, rustiness, unskilled
Encyclopedia: Rusty Rusty, Starlight Express
- Covered with or consisting of rust
- The machine has become rusty from disuse.
- She glanced about the rusty office.
- The lock on the door is rusty and won't open.
- He's bringing up some thick, rusty colored stuff.
- It is really foolish of you to buy such a rusty sword.
- He shook his head, shouldered the rusty firelock.
- Agnes used the name rusty knails as her pen name.
- His greek is a little rusty.
- My german, tennis, singing is rather rusty.
- I have n't practiced my french for months and it 's getting rusty.
Other Languages
- "rusty" meaning in Chinese: adj. 1.生了锈的,上锈的;腐蚀了的。2.由锈而成的,因锈而生的;【植物;植物学】患锈病的。3.锈色的;褪了色...
- "rusty" meaning in Japanese: rusty adj. さびた. 【副詞】 ◆My French is a little rusty. 私のフランス語...
- "rusty" meaning in Russian: 1) покрытый ржавчиной, ржавый, заржавленный Ex: rusty need...
- "rusty" meaning in French: adj. rouillé, oxydable; de couleur rouille; délavé; "rou...
What is the meaning of rusty and how to define rusty in English? rusty meaning, what does rusty mean in a sentence? rusty meaning,rusty definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by