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neglect in Chinese

[ ni'glekt ]   Pronunciation:
past tense: neglected   past participle: neglected   present participle: neglecting   
How to pronounce "neglect"Synonyms of "neglect""neglect" in a sentence"neglect" meaning

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  • vt.
    轻忽,玩忽;轻视,忽视,无视,不愿;忽略;漏做;不…(to do; doing)。
    疏忽;忽略;玩忽,轻忽;轻视,忽视 (of)。 neglect of duty 失职,玩忽职守。 Her children were in a terrible state of neglect. 她的孩子们简直没人管。 treat with neglect 不理睬,怠慢。
    -er, -or n.


  • He was dismissed for neglect of his duty .
  • The garden was in a state of total neglect .
  • I'm afraid i've been neglecting my bride .
  • I am sure you do not neglect your work .
  • He was dismissed for neglect of his duty .
  • His person showed marks of habitual neglect .
  • It would never do to neglect official obligations .
  • The boy neglects his music now .
  • We redeemed the neglect afterwards .
  • Her children were in a terrible state of neglect ...
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5


  • willful lack of care and attention
    Synonyms: disregard,

  • failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
    Synonyms: negligence, carelessness, nonperformance,

  • the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern
    Synonyms: negligence, neglectfulness,

  • lack of attention and due care
    Synonyms: disregard,

  • the state of something that has been unused and neglected; "the house was in a terrible state of neglect"
    Synonyms: disuse,

  • Verb
  • leave undone or leave out; "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"
    Synonyms: pretermit, omit, drop, miss, leave out, overlook, overleap,

  • fail to attend to; "he neglects his children"

  • give little or no attention to; "Disregard the errors"
    Synonyms: ignore, disregard,

  • fail to do something; leave something undone; "She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib"; "The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account"
    Synonyms: fail,

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What is the meaning of neglect in Chinese and how to say neglect in Chinese? neglect Chinese meaning, neglect的中文neglect的中文neglect的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.