neglect meaning
[ ni'glekt ] Pronunciation:
Synonyms of "neglect""neglect" in a sentence
- Verb: neglect ni'glekt
- Leave undone or leave out
- pretermit, omit, drop, miss, leave out, overlook, overleap - Fail to do something; leave something undone
- fail - Fail to attend to
"he neglects his children" - Give little or no attention to
- ignore, disregard, tune out
- Lack of attention and due care
- disregard - The state of something that has been unused and neglected
"the house was in a terrible state of neglect"
- disuse - Wilful lack of care and attention
- disregard - The trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern
- negligence, neglectfulness - Failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
- negligence, carelessness, nonperformance
Derived forms: neglected, neglects, neglecting
See also: neglecter, negligent
Type of: carelessness, declination, decline, inattention, mistreatment, nonaccomplishment, nonachievement, sloppiness
Antonym: attend to
Encyclopedia: Neglect
- Leave undone or leave out
n. It is a criminal offence for a parent or to neglect their child in a way that is likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health, when the parent is aware of (or reckless as to) the likely consequences of the neglect. Neglect may also be evidence of negligence and may gIve nse to a charge of manslaughter if the neglected person dies.
- He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.
- The garden was in a state of total neglect.
- I am sure you do not neglect your work.
- He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.
- His person showed marks of habitual neglect.
- It would never do to neglect official obligations.
- The boy neglects his music now.
- We redeemed the neglect afterwards.
- Her children were in a terrible state of neglect ...
- He could hardly suppose i should neglect them.
Other Languages
- "neglect" meaning in Chinese: vt. 轻忽,玩忽;轻视,忽视,无视,不愿;忽略;漏做;不…(to do; doing)。 n. 疏忽;忽略;玩忽...
- "neglect" meaning in Japanese: 1neglect n. 怠慢; 無視; 軽視. 【動詞+】 ◆He showed no neglect of dut...
- "neglect" meaning in Russian: 1) пренебрежение; небрежность, нерадивость, невнимание Ex:...
- "neglect" meaning in French: n. négligence; inattention; manque d'égards:abandon, oub...
What is the meaning of neglect and how to define neglect in English? neglect meaning, what does neglect mean in a sentence? neglect meaning,neglect definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by