gambet in a sentence

"gambet" meaning  "gambet" in Chinese  
  1. The prototype Gambet was shipped to Japan early in 1928.
  2. The prototype Gambet was built by Gloster and first flew on 12 December 1927.
  3. Gambet, the retired priest, says he feared the Kelkal affair could push even moderate youths to extremism.
  4. Navy Type 3 Gloster Gambet "'fighter, built by the Nakajima Aircraft Company for the Imperial Japanese Navy.
  5. Nakajima purchased a licence from the British Gloster Aircraft Company for production of the "'Gloster Gambet " '.
  6. It's difficult to find gambet in a sentence.
  7. Gloster had a relationship with the Japanese between the wars, who built the carrier based plane the Gloster Gambet under license by Nakajima.
  8. It's a world without open doors, " says Pierre Gambet, a retired priest who moved to Vaulx four years ago to work with youths.
  9. After modifications were made and it was fitted with a Nakajima-built Bristol Jupiter engine, the Gambet was evaluated by the Japanese navy against competitors from Aichi and Mitsubishi.
  10. :: If you mean the physical disintegration of the nuclear fuel rod ( which AFAIK shouldn't happen in a properly designed reactor ), see Field Precision's GamBet Monte Carlo Suite.
  11. The Rev . Pierre Gambet, a retired priest involved in community work in Vaulx-en-Velin, said Kelkal's death _ captured by television crews and replayed for millions of French _ risked pushing local youths to violence and extremism.
  12. The Rev . Pierre Gambet, a retired priest involved in community work in Vaulx-en-Velin, said that Kelkal's killing _ captured by television crews and replayed for millions of French _ risked pushing local youths to violence and extremism.
  13. A legend exists that the F . 5 / 34 was the inspiration for the Japanese Zero, probably stemming from a superficial similarity between the two machines and Gloster's past links with the Japanese such as the Nakajima A1N, a licence development of Gloster Gambet.


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