adorned meaning
Adjective: adorned u'dornd
- Provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction
- decorated
- Make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
- decorate, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify - Be beautiful to look at
"Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"
- deck, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify - Furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors
- invest, clothe
See also: adornment, beady, bedaubed, bespectacled, brocaded, buttony, carbuncled, champlevé, clad, clinquant, cloisonné, clothed, crested, crocketed, embossed, fancy, feathered, feathery, frilled, frilly, fringed, gemmed, gilt-edged, inflamed, inlaid, inwrought, jeweled [US], jewelled [Brit, Cdn], monocled, mounted, paneled, plumed, plumy, raised, ruffled, sequined, spangled, spangly, spectacled, studded, tapestried, tasseled [US], tasselled [Brit, Cdn], tessellated, tinseled [US], tinselled, tinselly, topknotted, tricked-out, tufted, wainscoted
Type of: alter, be, change, equip, fit, fit out, modify, outfit
Antonym: unadorned
Encyclopedia: Adorn
More: Next- an exquisite flower adorned her dress.
- the apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.
- the whole panorama, as usual, was adorned by the mellow distinctness of early morning.
- she had adorned the bosom with a cascade of lace, on which james'eyes riveted themselves at once.
- you had no need to look at the red button that adorned his black coat to surmise that he was a person of consequence.