adorned meaning

  "adorned" in a sentence
Adjective: adorned  u'dornd
  1. Provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction
    - decorated
Verb: adorn  u'dorn
  1. Make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
    - decorate, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify 
  2. Be beautiful to look at
    "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"
    - deck, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify 
  3. Furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors
    - invest, clothe

See also: adornment, beady, bedaubed, bespectacled, brocaded, buttony, carbuncled, champlevé, clad, clinquant, cloisonné, clothed, crested, crocketed, embossed, fancy, feathered, feathery, frilled, frilly, fringed, gemmed, gilt-edged, inflamed, inlaid, inwrought, jeweled [US], jewelled [Brit, Cdn], monocled, mounted, paneled, plumed, plumy, raised, ruffled, sequined, spangled, spangly, spectacled, studded, tapestried, tasseled [US], tasselled [Brit, Cdn], tessellated, tinseled [US], tinselled, tinselly, topknotted, tricked-out, tufted, wainscoted

Type of: alter, be, change, equip, fit, fit out, modify, outfit

Antonym: unadorned

Encyclopedia: Adorn


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  1. an exquisite flower adorned her dress.
  2. the apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.
  3. the whole panorama, as usual, was adorned by the mellow distinctness of early morning.
  4. she had adorned the bosom with a cascade of lace, on which james'eyes riveted themselves at once.
  5. you had no need to look at the red button that adorned his black coat to surmise that he was a person of consequence.

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  1. adorer meaning
  2. adoring meaning
  3. adoringly meaning
  4. adorn meaning
  5. adorn so or sth with sth meaning
  6. adornment meaning
  7. adosterol meaning
  8. adown meaning
  9. adoxa meaning
  10. adoxaceae meaning
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