feathered meaning

Pronunciation:   "feathered" in a sentence
Adjective: feathered  fedhurd
  1. Adorned with feathers or plumes
    - feathery, plumy 
  2. Having or covered with feathers
    "our feathered friends"
Verb: feather  fedhu(r)
  1. Join tongue and groove, in carpentry 
  2. Cover or fit with feathers 
  3. Turn the paddle; in canoeing
    - square 
  4. Turn the oar, while rowing
    - square 
  5. Grow feathers
    - fledge

See also: adorned, aftershafted, decorated, feathering, featherlike, feathery, fledged, flighted, pennate, plumaged, plumate, plumed, plumelike, plumose, plumy, vaned, velvety-plumaged

Type of: acquire, conjoin, cover, develop, get, grow, join, paddle, produce, row

Antonym: unfeathered

Encyclopedia: Feather Feather, Victor



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  1. he feathered arrows with duck's feathers.
  2. birches and oaks feathered the narrow ravines.
  3. i didn't feathered the oars because the wind was with us.
  4. she, if fame did her no injustice, had feathered her nest pretty well at his expense.
  5. grading standard for products of chinese yellow-feathered chicken

Related Words


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  4. featherbedding meaning
  5. featherbrained meaning
  6. feathered friend meaning
  7. featheredge meaning
  8. featheredge board meaning
  9. featheredge brick meaning
  10. featheredge rule meaning
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