feathered meaning
Adjective: feathered fedhurd
- Adorned with feathers or plumes
- feathery, plumy - Having or covered with feathers
"our feathered friends"
- Join tongue and groove, in carpentry
- Cover or fit with feathers
- Turn the paddle; in canoeing
- square - Turn the oar, while rowing
- square - Grow feathers
- fledge
See also: adorned, aftershafted, decorated, feathering, featherlike, feathery, fledged, flighted, pennate, plumaged, plumate, plumed, plumelike, plumose, plumy, vaned, velvety-plumaged
Type of: acquire, conjoin, cover, develop, get, grow, join, paddle, produce, row
Antonym: unfeathered
Encyclopedia: Feather Feather, Victor
More: Next- he feathered arrows with duck's feathers.
- birches and oaks feathered the narrow ravines.
- i didn't feathered the oars because the wind was with us.
- she, if fame did her no injustice, had feathered her nest pretty well at his expense.
- grading standard for products of chinese yellow-feathered chicken