enamor in Chinese
How to pronounce "enamor" Synonyms of "enamor" "enamor" in a sentence "enamor" meaning
vt. 使迷恋,使倾心。 be enamored of [with] 恋慕;迷恋;醉心于。
She really was not enamored of drollet . 她其实并不热爱杜洛埃特。 They two are enamored . 他俩打得火热。 Here he had been taken backstage, off limits for tourists ishmael young had been enamored of the fbi files . 伊斯梅尔扬最感兴趣的还是联帮调查局的档案,他被领进了禁止参观者入内的居室。 So especially enamored of their imagined blue - “醉心于自己幻想中的蓝色- ” So especially enamored of their imagined blue - “醉心于自己幻想中的蓝色- ” The romans were enamored with the smell of roses 古罗马人独爱玫瑰香味。 Most visitors to london are enamored with the city 大部份来到伦敦的访客都会被这城市迷住。 She is enamored of the sound of her own voice 她陶醉于自己的嗓音。 I ' m not too enamored with the idea of spending a whole day with him 我可不喜欢整天和他在一起。 He is enamored with scientific research 他沉迷于科学研究。
Verb attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men''s hearts" Synonyms: capture , enamour , trance , catch , becharm , captivate , beguile , charm , fascinate , bewitch , entrance , enchant ,
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