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synchronizing meaning

Synonyms of "synchronizing""synchronizing" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile


  • The film does not synchronize with sound.
  • synchronized blinker lights are set up in new york and san francisco.
  • The synchronized low-frequency rectifier is similar to a push-pull rectifier.
  • Their operation must be synchronized with the operations of the existing furnaces.
  • For generations successive administrations had synchronized their moves with london.
  • The detectors of the emitted radiation are synchronized to their specific element's source.
  • The voyages of discovery of the new land synchronized with the emergence of capitalist economy.
  • There is evidence that aspects of weather and climate are also synchronized with sunspot activity.
  • When both oscillatory stretch and the pace maker discharge occur at approximately the same rate, they synchronize.
  • Implementation is not synchronized, it is possible for
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of synchronizing and how to define synchronizing in English? synchronizing meaning, what does synchronizing mean in a sentence? synchronizing meaningsynchronizing definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.