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slump meaning

[ slʌmp ]   Pronunciation:
Synonyms of "slump""slump" in a sentence

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  • Verb: slump  slúmp
    1. Assume a drooping posture or carriage
      - slouch 
    2. Fall or sink heavily
      "He slumped onto the couch"
      - slide down, sink 
    3. Fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly
      - fall off, sink 
    4. Go down in value
      "prices slumped"
      - decline, correct
    Noun: slump  slúmp
    1. A noticeable deterioration in performance or quality
      "the team went into a slump"
      - slack, drop-off, falloff, falling off 
    2. A long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
      - depression, economic crisis

    Derived forms: slumping, slumps, slumped

    Type of: break, cave in, collapse, come down, crisis, declension, decline in quality, descend, deterioration, droop, drop, economic condition, fall, fall in, flag, founder, give, give way, go down, sag, swag, worsening

    Encyclopedia: Slump

  • [Architecture]

    A measure of consistency of freshly mixed concrete, mortar, or stucco; equal to the decrease in height, measured to the nearest ¼ in. (6 mm) of the molded mass immediately after its removal from a slump cone.

  • [Business]
    noun, verb

    noun [C]


    a sudden fall in sales, prices, etc:

    a sharp slump in share prices

    The sales slump continues to hit retail stores.

    Economists have detected signs of a slump in consumer confidence.


    a slump in demand/prices/profits/sales/spending a bad/deep/dramatic/prolonged/sharp slump

    2 (Economics )

    a period when a country's economy or a business is doing very badly:

    The US slump appears to be over.

    Tourism is in a slump.

    There are signs of an end to the six-month slump in the manufacturing sector.


    an economic/industry/a stock market slump

    ◆ a bad/deep/global/prolonged slump

    verb [no obj] slump (from sth) (to sth) | slump (by sth)

    to fall in price, value etc. suddenly and by a large amount:

    The share price slumped from more than £3 to £1.

    Sales in shopping centres slumped 35 per cent.

    The company's operating profits slumped by a half. See note at INCREASE

  • [Economics]
    = depression

  • [Finance]
    A temporary fall in performance, often describing consistently falling security prices for several weeks or months.


  • The baby has come out of his slump.
  • I tell you a financial slump is coming.
  • In a slump a lot of labourers are sent home.
  • Is the u.s. headed for a slump?
  • Some thin beds of layered sandstone and dark grey siltstone show slump structures.
  • The slump on wall street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
  • There is more unemployment or underemployment of labour and capital equipment in the slump than in the boom.
  • In general, use concrete with a moderate slump
  • Testing fresh concrete-part 2 : slump test
  • We must find ways to beat the export slump
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of slump and how to define slump in English? slump meaning, what does slump mean in a sentence? slump meaningslump definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.