rabid meaning
[ 'ræbid ] Pronunciation:
Synonyms of "rabid""rabid" in a sentence
- Adjective: rabid rabid
- Of or infected by rabies
- Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea
"rabid isolationist"
- fanatic, fanatical, overzealous
See also: passionate, rabidity, rabies
Encyclopedia: Rabid
adj : affected with rabies ‹a rabid dog›
- Rex made a rabid speech in the house of commons.
- In cattle, rabies is transmitted exclusively from the bite of salivaries infected rabid animals.
- There's a-- there's a rabid cheetah in lane 2 here
- There's a-there's a rabid cheetah in lane 2 here
- Joe camber : oh my god . . . you're rabid
- She ought not to listen with this queer rabid curiosity
- "me, myself l " want to know . not to mention my rabid readers
- And our bones fed to rabid weasels
- And our bones fed to rabid weasels
- "me, myself & l " want to know . not to mention my rabid readers
Other Languages
- "rabid" meaning in Chinese: adj. 1.狂怒的,狂暴的,疯狂的;过激的,激烈的,狂热的。2.恐水病的,患狂犬病的。 短语和例子 rabid...
- "rabid" meaning in Japanese: rabid adj. 狂気じみた. 【+前置詞】 ◆He is rabid about the need for i...
- "rabid" meaning in Russian: 1) бешеный, взбесившийся; больной водобоязнью Ex: rabid do...
- "rabid" meaning in French: adj. enragé, extrémiste, jaloux
What is the meaning of rabid and how to define rabid in English? rabid meaning, what does rabid mean in a sentence? rabid meaning,rabid definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.