curl in Chinese
[ kə:l ] Pronunciation:
past tense: curled past participle: curled plural: curls present participle: curling
- vt.
2.〔苏格兰语〕 冰上作溜石饼游戏。
3. (植物的)卷叶病。
4. 【机械工程】旋度。Phrases
1. 卷曲者;卷曲物。 2. 作冰上溜石饼游戏者。
- "abdominal curl" in Chinese : 收腹; 仰卧起坐
- "american curl" in Chinese : 美反耳; 美国反耳猫; 美国卷耳猫
- "anti curl" in Chinese : 防卷曲
- "arm curl" in Chinese : 臂部弯曲; 臂弯举; 二头肌推举器
- "backhand curl" in Chinese : 反握提铃至胸
- "barbell curl" in Chinese : 直杠站立弯举
- "bicep curl" in Chinese : 屈臂
- "biceps curl" in Chinese : 二头肌屈接; 胸前弯举, 双臂屈伸, 双手弯举
- "bottom curl" in Chinese : 反翘
- "chip curl" in Chinese : 切屑螺旋
- "concentration curl" in Chinese : 单臂哑铃弯举
- "corkscrew curl" in Chinese : 螺旋形卷曲
- "counter curl" in Chinese : 反卷
- "curl bending" in Chinese : 卷边弯曲加工
- "curl changer" in Chinese : 换流器
- Yvonne curled up on the rug in front .
伊冯蜷坐在前面的一块地毯上。 - A blow to the stomach made him curl up .
他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。 - The snake curled up in the long grass .
那条蛇在深草里把身子蜷做一团。 - She curled up her lips with disapproval .
她不以为然地翘起了嘴唇。 - She just curls up and sucks peppermints .
她老是蜷着腿躺着,吮着薄荷糖。 - Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls .
她的卷发披在肩上。 - The dog curled up in front of the fire .
那只狗蜷伏在火炉前面。 - He likes to sleep curled up on his side .
他喜欢拳着身子睡觉。 - He curled one lip into a kind of smile .
他噘起一片嘴唇,意味深长地笑了笑。 - She had dark red curls and round green eyes .
- Noun
- a strand or cluster of hair
Synonyms: lock, ringlet, whorl, - a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
Synonyms: coil, whorl, roll, curlicue, ringlet, gyre, scroll, Verb - form a curl, curve, or kink; "the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling"
Synonyms: curve, kink, - play the Scottish game of curling
- twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please"
Synonyms: wave, - wind around something in coils or loops
Synonyms: coil, loop, - shape one''s body into a curl; "She curled farther down under the covers"; "She fell and drew in"
Synonyms: curl up, draw in,
Other Languages
- "curl" meaning: Verb: curl kurl Form a curl, curve, or...
- "curl" meaning in Japanese: 1curl n. カール, 巻き毛; カールしている状態; 渦巻き形. 【動詞+】 ◆comb out one's ...
- "curl" meaning in Russian: 1) локон, завиток2) вьющиеся волосы3) завивка Ex: my hair ...
- "curl" meaning in French: n. boucle (de cheveux); ondulation; bobine v. boucler, ...
"curling" in Chinese, "curling irons" in Chinese, "pin curl" in Chinese, "trunk curl" in Chinese, "curling stone" in Chinese, "curius dentatus" in Chinese, "curka" in Chinese, "curko" in Chinese, "curkoski" in Chinese, "curkovic" in Chinese, "curl (programming language)" in Chinese, "curl bending" in Chinese, "curl changer" in Chinese, "curl coil" in Chinese,