系统 meaning in English
[ xìtǒng ] Pronunciation:
How to pronounce "系统""系统" meaning in Chinese"系统" in a sentence
- 1.(按一定关系组成的同类事物) system Phrases2.(有条理的;有系统的) systematicPhrases
- "t系统" in English : t system
- "系统的系统" in English : supersystem
- "abo系统" in English : abo system
- "adobe系统" in English : adobe systems
- "apg系统" in English : apg system
- "bacon系统" in English : bacon system
- "basic系统" in English : basic system
- "bea系统" in English : bea systems
- "bsd系统" in English : berkeley software distribution
- "camac系统" in English : camac system,
- "cd系统" in English : cd system
- "lindenmayer 系统" in English : l-system
- "l系统" in English : l system; l-system
- "munsell系统" in English : munsell system
- "octopus系统" in English : oxygenated conserved tissue for optima ...
- He ignored the existing lines of authority .
他不顾现有的职权系统。 - This system can set up acoustical resonances .
这种系统能产生共鸣。 - This book deals with deterministic systems .
本书主要讨论确定性系统。 - The follow-up system was simple enough .
贯彻执行系统是相当简单的。 - Society is not divided along religious lines .
社会并不按宗教系统划分。 - The system executes simple harmonic motion .
此系统产生简谐运动。 - The supernova explosion disrupts the binary .
超新星爆发会瓦解双星系统。 - The central nervous system is congested .
中枢神经系统已经充血。 - The control system permits more flexibility .
控制系统允许有较大的变化。 - This telemetry streamed back to earth .
Other Languages
- 系统 in French: 名système灌溉~système d'irrigation;réseau...
- 系统 in Japanese: (1)系統.システム.系统化/システム化.系统论/システム論.系统地说明/系...
- 系统 in Korean: (1)[명사] 계통. 체계. 시스템(system).组织系统;조직 체계...
- 系统 in Russian: [xìtǒng] система; систематический 神经...
- 系统 meaning in Chinese: xìtǒng①同类事物按一定的关系组成的整体:~化│组织~│灌溉~。②有条理...