zebu in Chinese
plural: zebus
- n.
- "zebu cattle" in Chinese : 瘤牛
- "australian milking zebu" in Chinese : 澳洲乳用瘤牛
- "world conference on zebu" in Chinese : 世界瘤牛大会
- "zebtox" in Chinese : 代森锌
- "zebuhr" in Chinese : 塞比尔
- "zebrzydowice" in Chinese : 泽布日多维采
- "zebulon" in Chinese : 纪伯伦 希伯来 居处,住宅; 泽比伦; 泽布伦希伯来居处,住宅; 泽伦
- "zebrzydowa" in Chinese : 泽布日多瓦
- "zebulun" in Chinese : 西布伦; 泽布伦
- "zebrun" in Chinese : 热布伦
- "zeburaaman" in Chinese : 斑马人
- "zebrule" in Chinese : n. 雄斑马与雌马的杂种。
- Farms raised cotton and kept herds of sheep , pigs , zebus ( a kind of cow ) , and water buffalo
农场种植起棉花,保留着成群的绵羊、猪、瘤牛(一种牛) ,还有水牛。 - Upon the car , which was drawn by four richly caparisoned zebus stood a hideous statue with four arms , the body coloured a dull red , with haggard eyes , dishevelled hair , protruding tongue , and lips tinted with betel
这尊神像有四条胳臂,全身赭红,披头散发,眼露凶光,伸着吊死鬼样的长舌头,两片嘴唇染成了指甲花和茭酱的红色。 - The greater part of the travellers were aware of this interruption , and leaving the train , they began to engage such vehicles as the village could provide - four - wheeled palkigharis , waggons drawn by zebus , carriages that looked like perambulating pagodas , palanquins , ponies and what not
- Noun
- domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large dewlap; used chiefly as a draft animal in India and east Asia
Other Languages
- "zebu" meaning: Noun: zebu zeebyoo Domesticated ox hav...
- "zebu" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 《動物》ホウギュウ、コブウシ--------------------------------------...
- "zebu" meaning in Russian: 1) _зоол. зебу, индийский горбатый бык (Bos indicus)
- "zebu" meaning in French: n. zébu, boeuf domestique d'asie et d'afrique qui a sur ...