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门户 in a sentence

"门户" meaning in Chinese  "门户" meaning in English  


  • Pretty heads are apt to look forth of doors and windows .
  • The little gentlewoman might set up for herself if she pleased .
  • The respiratory tract is an important portal of entry for respiratory viruses .
  • All the doors are arched with the special arch we see in moorish pictures .
  • I was then a strong supporter of america's monroe doctrine and the open door policy .
  • I don't think any door in the world is more open to the stranger than in the americans .
  • "i thought we were an old family; but this is all new!" she said, in her artlessness .
  • I don't think any door in the world is more open to the stranger than is the american's .
  • The windows smiled, the door coaxed and beckoned, the creeper blushed confederacy .
  • They inhabited a world of trust, to which their bodies and minds were no more than entrance gates .
  • 门户造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
  • Thus the open door to america--for centuries the gateway of opportunity for countless millions--was partially closed .
  • I had been to a few of these parties because i wanted to see the inside of some of the washington mansions i had heard so much about .
  • Knowledge organization of the subject information portal
  • Lists topics for working with the project portal
  • Goethe - institut library portal germany
    Goethe - institut德国图书馆方面的门户网站
  • Why it is important to define the type of portal
  • How will you set up the infrastructure for your portal
  • This tab is only available on portal pages
  • Here at our sea - washed , sunset gates shall stand
  • This chakra is the doorway for the kundalini energy
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3

Other Meanings

  • 门户 in English:1.(门) door:门户紧闭 with the doors tightly...
  • 门户 in French:名1.porte ou entrée d'une maison2.passa...
  • 门户 in Japanese:(1)門.戸.戸口.门户紧闭 jǐnbì /戸口をかたく閉める.小心门户/戸...
  • 门户 in Korean:[명사](1)문. 출입문. 【전용】 문단속.门户紧闭;문을 꼭 닫다(2...
  • 门户 in Russian:[ménhù] 1) дверь; двери 2) группировка...
How can I put and write and define 门户 in a sentence and how is the word 门户 used in a sentence and examples? 門戶造句, 门户造句, 用門戶造句, 门户 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.