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in a sentence

"迄" meaning in Chinese  "迄" meaning in English  


  • We have received no information so far .
  • The principle of cyclic sedimentation applies to deposits dating from earliest paleozoic time to the holocene .
  • I have been young and am now old, yet have i not seen the righteous for sunken, nor his seed begging their bread .
  • The many animals which have remained unchanged since the commencement of glacial period, would have been an incomparably stronger case .
  • Don ' t you forget what i ' ve been through and yet i ' m still standing
  • Classes are limited to 30 participants
  • Note : the attraction will be closed through april 27 , and will reopen from april 28
    4月27日止休馆, 4月28日起重新开幕
  • Prices are 500 for up to two bags , plus 100 per each additional bag
  • Origin - destination survey
  • By the end of 1997 , 12 ais had signed up as approved sellers of the hkmc
  • 造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
  • Hecny has maintained a significant role in the global air transportation arena for over half a century
  • The notional amount of outstanding derivatives contracts at end march 1995 was us 1 . 6 trillion
    一九九五年三月底,未平仓衍生投资工具合约名义金额为1 . 6万亿美元。
  • Cried the traveller who had not spoken , a lusty trencherman by his aspect . hast aught to give us
    一位未做声而看来食欲颇旺的来客大声叫道, “有啥可给我们吃的? ”
  • The book , first drafted in early qing dynasty , supplemented in late qing dynasty , has a history of 130 years
  • The questionnaires for survey were given in random to passengers in the waiting rooms of various companies
  • Initial response to the pilot scheme has been favourable . by end of march 1998 , 96 loans involving 154 mn have been approved in principle
    一九九八年三月底,九十六宗共值1 . 54亿元的贷款已获原则上批准。
  • Wen xuan , edited by xiao tong , collected 10 volumes of fu works from 6 dynasties such as qin , han and wei
  • The pole projecting makes it easily to apply your superior technic for sewing small parts and special shaped type material
  • Finally , the article mainly introduces the design and realization of the certificate authoware of zhongnan university of economics and law
    凶八硕士学位论文alster ’ stesis最后,本文重点介绍了znelca的设计与实现。
  • The more than 500 poems in chen wenshu ' s " xiling guiyong " dedicated to the writing of females of hangzhou from ancient times to qing dynasty
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3

Other Meanings

  • 迄 in English:Ⅰ介词(到; 至) up to; till
  • 迄 in French:副jusqu'à~今jusqu'à présent
  • 迄 in Japanese:*迄qì(1)…に至る.…まで.迄今为止 wéizhǐ /いままでのところ....
  • 迄 in Korean:(1)[동사] …에[까지] 이르다.迄今未至;지금까지 오지 않다以迄于今...
  • 迄 in Russian:[qì] 1) до 迄月底为止 [qì yuèdǐ zhǐ] — до к...
How can I put and write and define 迄 in a sentence and how is the word 迄 used in a sentence and examples? 迄造句, 迄造句, 用迄造句, 迄 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.