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美国国土安全部 in a sentence

"美国国土安全部" meaning in English  


  • Homeland security says it ' s very skeptical of the threat
  • United states department of homeland security
  • The u . s . department of homeland security concerns itself with domestic safety
  • Beginning september 1 , 2003 , applicants for transit visas must make an appointment
  • Begin text ) u . s . department of homeland security u . s . immigration and customs enforcement
  • The applicant must wait until dhs approves the petition before applying for a visa
  • Office of public affairs u . s . department of homeland security u . s . immigration and customs enforcement
  • In 2004 , president bush nominated him to head the department of homeland security
    2004年,总统布什曾提名他领导美国国土安全部(翻成出任国土安全部长就可以了) 。
  • Homeland security secretary michael chertoff made appearances on several television talk shows
  • Homeland security director michael chertoff says there are no signs of plotting within the united states
  • 美国国土安全部造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
  • The united states company must file a petition with the u . s . department of homeland security ( dhs ) for a work permit for the applicant
  • The deputy press secretary for the u . s . department of homeland security has been arrested on charges he used the internet to try to seduce a child
  • The president spoke following the swearing - in of former judge and federal prosecutor michael chertoff as america ' s new director of homeland security
  • If the petition is approved , dhs will issue a " notice of action " showing the approved dates for the program , the petitioner , and the beneficiary
  • U . s . homeland security secretary michael chertoff on thursday paid tribute to one of america ' s most useful weapons in the war on terrorism - - the nose of a well - trained dog
  • Washington - - june 19 , 2006 - - immigration - congress - 2 - - stewart baker , the department of homeland security s assistant secretary for policy development , and julie myers , the department s assistant secretary for u . s
  • This publication concerns three main topics : - dynamics of effective international cooperation against terrorism : facilitators and barriers ; - law enforcement response to terrorism in different countries and regions ; - emergency management lessons for homeland security
  • The diversity visa program is administered by the department of state . applicants from eligible countries , as determined by the department of homeland security s bureau of citizenship and immigration services , petition the department of state for the opportunity to apply for one of 55 , 000 immigrant visa made available annually

Other Meanings

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