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环境组织 in a sentence

"环境组织" meaning in English  


  • An environment group took these photos in china in april
  • An environment group took these photos in china in april
  • An environment group took these photos in china in april
  • Introduction to key issues on the reform of unep and uneo initiated by france
  • A number of international environmental organizations have changed their conservation policies in recent years
  • Lbz - d paper plate forming machine : making square or round paper plates from 6inches to 16inches ,
  • China ' s environmental authority hopes to go to the root of the problem by calling for reducing emissions of pollutants
  • But environmental groups have criticized their plan , saying that it lacks firm targets and timetables for action
  • Individual patient , people staff , task , team , work environment , organisational and management factors , inter - provider , external
  • The environmental group greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws , careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires
  • 环境组织造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
  • The australian government hopes public pressure will be more effective in its anti - whaling fight . environmental groups are adopting similar tactics
  • The environmental group greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws , carelessfarmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires
  • The environmental group greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws , careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires
  • The australian government hopes public pressure will be more effective in its anti - whaling fight . environmental groups are adopting similar tank tips ( tanctics )
  • The australian government hopes public pressure will be more effective in its anti - whaling fight . environmental groups are adopting similar tactics
  • The australian government hopes public pressure will be more effective in its anti - whaling fight . environmental groups are adopting similar tactics
  • The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the r . g . river valley
    市长已经向环境组织寻求帮助,该组织称围墙将破坏位于r . g .河畔的野生动物的天然栖息地。
  • The environmental group greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws , careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires
  • “ for 10 days this winter you could see clear blue skies and white clouds , which is something that didn ' t exist in previous winters , ” said wu dengming , leader of a local environmental group called the green volunteer league
    “这个冬天有10天都是清澈的蓝天和白色的云彩,而这是以前从来没有过的”吴登鸣(音译) ,一名称作“绿色志愿者联盟“的当地环境组织领导者如是说。
  • Heat waves and floods are likely to become more frequent , threatening the elderly and infirm , and three quarters of the swiss alps ' glaciers might melt down by 2050 , the study prepared by the european environment agency ( eea ) said
    欧洲环境组织( eea )最近的一项研究报告表示,更加频繁的热浪和洪灾正威胁着瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉已经不再坚固的冰川,到2050年,其中四分之三的冰川将被熔化
  • More Sentences:  1  2

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