排放许可证 in a sentence
- Market - oriented economists favor taxes on emissions , and some favor creating tradable rights , the usual solutions to the problems of a commons , in emissions
市场导向型经济学家主张对排放污染物征税,也有人赞同发放可交易污染排放许可证,即对公共权的通常解决办法。 - 用排放许可证造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
Other Meanings
- 排放许可证 in English:discharge permit
- 排放许可证 in French:autorisation de déversementhomologatio...
- 排放许可证 in Russian:разрешение на сброс или удалениепаспор...
How can I put and write and define 排放许可证 in a sentence and how is the word 排放许可证 used in a sentence and examples? 排放許可證造句, 排放许可证造句, 用排放許可證造句, 排放许可证 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.