奇洛埃岛 in a sentence
- The chilo archipelago ' s pristine seascape ( pictured in this 1998 photo ) is one reason the islands tied for third place in a new ranking of the world ' s best kept island destinations ? and quite a few that are succumbing to tourism overkill
奇洛埃岛质朴的海景(图片摄于1998年)是该岛名列最新榜单“世界保存最完好的岛屿”成为季军的原因之一,而很多岛屿都因为旅游破坏过重而没有入选。 - 用奇洛埃岛造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
Other Meanings
- 奇洛埃岛 in English:chiloe i. de
- 奇洛埃岛 in French:Île de Chiloé
- 奇洛埃岛 in Korean:칠로에섬
- 奇洛埃岛 in Russian:Чилоэ (остров)
How can I put and write and define 奇洛埃岛 in a sentence and how is the word 奇洛埃岛 used in a sentence and examples? 奇洛埃島造句, 奇洛埃岛造句, 用奇洛埃島造句, 奇洛埃岛 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.