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基什 in a sentence

"基什" meaning in Chinese  "基什" meaning in English  


  • Medical instruments ; abdominal retractors type kirschner
  • Round the kish in eighty days . done half by design
    八十天环游基什。 185一半是出于天意。
  • Here , i am not walking out to the kish lightship , am i
  • In her first speech as president , kirchner vowed to wage a war on poverty
  • The mets ended their five - game losing streak and their rival s nine - game winning streak . . .
    基什内尔总统出席了总统府玫瑰宫. .
  • On the erin s king that day round the kish . damned old tub pitching about
    那天乘爱琳王号绕基什一周64 ,那艘该死的旧船颠簸得厉害。
  • Mr kirchner demanded that the americans send mr antonini to argentina to face justice there
  • Mr kirchner demanded that the americans send mr antonini to argentina to face justice there
  • Mr kirchner demanded that the americans send mr antonini to argentina to face justice there
  • " i would like to go long - term , but they haven ' t said anything yet , " cano said . " i hope it happens . if not , i ' ll just keep playing .
  • 基什造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
  • Cristina fernandez de kirchner sworn in as argentina ' s president on monday for four - year term after winning elections on october 28
  • She married nestor kirchner , her fellow university student , in 1975 before moving to the province of santa cruz , where the couple opened a law firm
  • Nestor kirchner , who remained popular throughout his presidency , has not explained why he stepped aside for his wife instead of seeking another four - year term
  • She received the sash of office from her husband , nestor kirchner , the outgoing head of state and became the first woman to be elected president of argentina
  • When cristina fern ndez replaced her husband , n stor kirchner , as argentina ' s president on december 10th , she hinted that she would improve her country ' s strained relations with the united states
  • When cristina fern ndez replaced her husband , n stor kirchner , as argentina ' s president on december 10th , she hinted that she would improve her country ' s strained relations with the united states
  • When cristina fern ndez replaced her husband , n stor kirchner , as argentina ' s president on december 10th , she hinted that she would improve her country ' s strained relations with the united states
  • In 2003 mr kirchner ' s government approved a law that lifted almost all restrictions on immigration from south america and guaranteed access to public health and education to all migrants , including illegals
  • At a packed ceremony in argentina ' s congress on december 10th , n stor kirchner gave his wife , cristina fern ndez de kirchner , a gift hitherto unknown in the history of marriage : his country ' s presidential sash and staff
  • The old nurse , with her stocking in her hand , talked away in a soft voice , not hearing it herself nor following the meaning of her own words ; telling , as she had told hundreds of times before , how the late princess had been brought to bed of princess marya at kishinyov , and had only a moldavian peasant woman instead of a midwife

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