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兑换现款 in a sentence

"兑换现款" meaning in English  


  • 时间以三年为期,到期即可兑换现款
  • 平时买零食,买花粉,或付车钱,就可用这种“代价券”,小贩、车夫收取后可持之向妓院兑换现款
  • 妓女平时买零食,买花粉,或付车钱,就可用这种“代价券”,小贩、车夫收取后可持之向妓院兑换现款
  • 业务种类包括各种存款、积俭储蓄、代理收款、信托业务、抵押放款、兑换现款、各种期票、贴现、各埠汇兑、各种礼券等。
  • 兑换现款造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法

Other Meanings

How can I put and write and define 兑换现款 in a sentence and how is the word 兑换现款 used in a sentence and examples? 兌換現款造句, 兑换现款造句, 用兌換現款造句, 兑换现款 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.