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writhe in a sentence

"writhe" in Chinese  "writhe" meaning  


  • His friends writhed in horror, groaning and hiding their eyes.
  • Youngsters with glass embedded in their bodies were writhing and moaning.
  • Dean's adolescent writhings cry out for a grungier setting.
  • Both players writhed as trainers and doctors rushed onto the court.
  • The writhing bodies remind me of fishing worms in a can.
  • Then when the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
  • Allen Iverson lay on the football field, writhing in pain.
  • Otherwise, men are covered in mud and writhe in pain.
  • Fleisher said, as a fat worm writhed in his hand.
  • Female models slathered in oil have writhed all over one another.
  • It's difficult to see writhe in a sentence .
  • He writhed and wriggled through 121 mostly painful games last season.
  • A writhing bundle of Eddie Bauer jackets, blankets and turbans.
  • Kemp's background in ballet helped with all the writhing.
  • The patient writhed as Saifi asked the jinn who he was.
  • A baby, covered in horrifying burns, writhing in pain.
  • A woman writhed in pain as a medic disinfected her wound.
  • Davis'failed suicide attempt apparently left him writhing in pain.
  • She writhed on the ground until medics rushed to her aid.
  • Shortly afterwards, their " Writhing On The Shagpile"
  • He is writhing on the ground naked and in extreme agony.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define writhe in a sentence and how is the word writhe used in a sentence and examples? writhe造句, writhe造句, 用writhe造句, writhe meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.