uncaused in a sentence
- The East teaches that what is God is uncreated or uncaused.
- But how it determines which to decay into is completely random, and thus is uncaused.
- They present slavery as uncaused, more of a tragedy than a wrong perpetuated by some people against others.
- The real question is not whether a " most perfect being " or an " uncaused first cause " exist.
- In the Uncaused Cause, Aquinas further said : " . . . and this we understand to be God ."
- Philosopher Michael Martin has also referred to quantum vacuum fluctuation models to support the idea of a universe with uncaused beginnings.
- Thus, both Aristotle and Thomas conclude that there must be an uncaused Primary Mover, because an infinite regress is impossible.
- Neoplatonism here is taking the concept of primordial unity ( henosis ) as rational and deterministic, emanating from indeterminism an uncaused cause.
- I think it's the height of stupidity, and perhaps arrogance, to not believe there is an intelligent Uncaused Cause.
- Unintelligent, unmanifest, uncaused, ever-active, imperceptible and eternal Prakriti is alone the final source of the world of objects.
- It's difficult to see uncaused in a sentence .
- :" Even if the universe has a beginning in time, in the light of recently proposed cosmological theories this beginning may be uncaused.
- His conception of First Cause was the idea that the Universe must have been caused by something that was itself uncaused, which he asserted was God.
- Hatcher shows that the logical outcome of these 3 axioms together with the above noted assumption are the existence of a " unique, universal, uncaused cause ."
- Incompatibilist theories can be categorised based on the type of indeterminism they require; uncaused events, non-deterministically caused events, and agent / substance-caused events.
- Philosopher Quentin Smith has cited the example of virtual particles, which appear and disappear from observation, apparently at random, to assert the tenability of uncaused natural phenomena.
- Moreover, he gave a pragmatic refutation of early Brahminical theories according to which the meditator, the meditative state, and the proposed uncaused, unborn, unanalyzable Self, are identical.
- Unintelligent, unmanifest, uncaused, ever-active, imperceptible and eternal prak [ ti is alone the final source of the world of objects which is implicitly and potentially contained in its bosom.
- If intelligent design proponents invoke an uncaused causer or deity to resolve this problem, they contradict a fundamental assumption of intelligent design that design requires a designer and reduce intelligent design to religious creationism.
- Purusa is the Universal principle that is unchanging, uncaused but is present everywhere and the reason why Prakrti changes, transforms and transcends all of the time and which is why there is cause and effect.
- Despite Craig's claim that theories postulating that the universe'could pop into existence uncaused'are incapable of'sincere affirmation,'such similar theories are in fact being taken seriously by scientists ."
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How can I put and write and define uncaused in a sentence and how is the word uncaused used in a sentence and examples? uncaused造句, uncaused造句, 用uncaused造句, uncaused meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.