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refill in a sentence

"refill" in Chinese  "refill" meaning  


  • Cal mutters as he holds up his cup for a refill.
  • Santa comes with a magic bag that refills itself between houses.
  • No effort was made to refill the grave, police said.
  • I called in earlier for a saltwater refill and . ..
  • His implanted medicine pump was due for a checkup and refill.
  • Later she stopped by to refill my cup with hot water.
  • Do you refill it once or several days in a row?
  • No-limit refills will work against people getting regular checkups.
  • No wiring was required, just occasional refills of iced tea.
  • First, the only thing we refill anymore is a prescription.
  • It's difficult to see refill in a sentence .
  • REFILL THE POND with water and put the fish back in.
  • Only refills of existing prescriptions may be purchased through the program.
  • Reeve says, then pauses as a ventilator refills his lungs.
  • CVS, for example, will ship refills free of charge.
  • When Madame Dilly leaves to refill her flask, Gabey enters.
  • She then got underway late in February toward India to refill.
  • The player's health meter refills when food is collected.
  • The CMOP program fills continuation of therapy or refill prescriptions only.
  • HCPC does not provide outpatient services, such as medication refills.
  • Players can pay to refill energy by spending ISO-8s.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define refill in a sentence and how is the word refill used in a sentence and examples? refill造句, refill造句, 用refill造句, refill meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.