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exposer in a sentence

"exposer" in Chinese  "exposer" meaning  


  • These contracts makes the business expose to ethical breaches, fraud and public exposer.
  • He is an exposer of the costumbrismo movement.
  • Shortly after leaving school I had a very mild exposer to'work '.
  • Psychical researcher Hereward Carrington described Irwin as a well known " exposer of fraudulent mediums ".
  • :Also, you have it on auto exposer-this is too hit and miss.
  • The exposer's suspicion arises because visions of history are created usually by the winners'chroniclers.
  • He held interests in yacht racing and became known as an exposer of the false claims of spiritualists.
  • It looks that some individuals are interested in her but she isn't interested in permanent public exposer.
  • The scheme was widely used to try to prove the type of conspiracy of which Copin-Albancelli became the tireless exposer.
  • :If I understand you correctly, you're not using the camera's built in exposer meter to ( manually ) set the best exposer.
  • It's difficult to see exposer in a sentence .
  • :If I understand you correctly, you're not using the camera's built in exposer meter to ( manually ) set the best exposer.
  • Don't get your hopes up that the conspiracy mongers will fall silent, but for Thursday night at least, it's a case of the exposer exposed.
  • British rationalist author Edward Clodd suggested that Marriott was " the most experienced exposer of mediums in this country . " Marriott was friends with the psychical researchers Harry Price and Everard Feilding.
  • Also, drugs like chlorpromazine, which the Nazi's experimented with in their concentration camps, in the hope that it could save their pilots dying from exposer when they parachuted down into the cold North Sea.
  • I don't have references to hand but your looking at two months before a short sojourn into the area could be safely attempted ( longer, if you are going by modern standards of allowable exposer rates ).
  • A flawed but nonetheless very important critical work by a man prominent in conjuring circles ( Rinn was a successful businessman and part-time magician and exposer / investigator of spirit mediums ) who has given us material in this that today appears nowhere else.
  • A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who made his reputation as New York City's relentless exposer of municipal corruption, organized crime, and government policies and actions that discriminate against the poor and racial minorities, he speaks with the authority of a bracingly honest, time-tested public servant.
  • Whats wrong with it . . . so basically the rightous, the person who wants to be fair, truthful ect has to be victimized by some uneducated people on subject who basically just pointed out in a small time frame 1 / 100th Bigcat82 was abusing the ethics of this website, and all I did was point out some mistakes, faults, exploits reliability / credability factors, and exposer of un-phantomed subjectivity unchecked biasness, and yet the very person who was frequent ( Bigcat82 ) for years on this subject slipped passed abusing wiki as a propelling device to get out his own bias wants to pollute the world, cloaked unseen for about half a decade pushing out his own selfish needs without one, just one person interveening and having it adressed, moderated, reviewed, corrected, assest properly . . . and yet he goes un-corrected, un-challanged and unpunished . . . in fact aided / helped . . . Huh!
How can I put and write and define exposer in a sentence and how is the word exposer used in a sentence and examples? exposer造句, exposer造句, 用exposer造句, exposer meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.