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discourse in a sentence

"discourse" in Chinese  "discourse" meaning  


  • And elevation of the political discourse is precisely what is needed.
  • They urged that the concept be eliminated altogether from scientific discourse.
  • The best of company requires liberality of attitude and intelligent discourse.
  • What we need on serious subjects like this is serious discourse.
  • Discourse in the Knesset was never for the weak of heart.
  • A Tap / Rap Discourse on the Staying Power of the Beat
  • They aim to keep the discourse light, and generally succeed.
  • Intricate discourse fills as much television time as any national sport.
  • We view our internal discourse as intelligible, sensible and precise.
  • But there is a special bluntness about discourse in this city.
  • It's difficult to see discourse in a sentence .
  • Six months later, the discourse would prove to be irrelevant.
  • Freud laid the foundation for much of our discourse about sexuality.
  • Dinosaurs have a way of raising the temperature of scientific discourse.
  • Other, lesser shows were part of the discourse, too.
  • You end up with discourse at the level of a child.
  • To boil down philosophical discourse to a duet is a risk.
  • But education is the subject of most of this campaign discourse.
  • I don't like the sanctimonious aspect of their discourse.
  • They give the same queasy color to our discourse, too.
  • As a result, perhaps intimacy finally will receive sufficient discourse.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define discourse in a sentence and how is the word discourse used in a sentence and examples? discourse造句, discourse造句, 用discourse造句, discourse meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.