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das in a sentence

"das" in Chinese  "das" meaning  


  • On its second album, " Da Capo,"
  • It shows Bishop Ugone da Provenza carefully writing in a book.
  • We want to know if the DA did a good job.
  • But Middlesex DA Thomas Reilly says he sees the case differently.
  • But he was quickly attacked by both Da Hoss and Petionville.
  • Recently, Mrs . da Silva wanted to buy fresh clothes.
  • Eliana da Silva said, her eyes following a passing truck.
  • He will be working in an office worthy of Da Mayor.
  • Leonardo da Vinci said that the smallest feline is a masterpiece.
  • Ba-da-boom, ba-da-bing!
  • It's difficult to see das in a sentence .
  • Ba-da-boom, ba-da-bing!
  • _" Das Rheingold " ( The Rhinegold ).
  • The Viola da Gamba Society of America was founded in 1963.
  • But that is an issue the DA has with the sellers.
  • Petit da Costa was appointed in 1994 by President Rafael Caldera.
  • In 1784, by one account, he met Da Ponte.
  • It was here that da Gama began his voyage to India.
  • Institute da Defesa Nacional . ( See : TNI PORTUG EMU)
  • Eso te da tranquilidad a la hora de afrontar el rol.
  • ALI ( HIGH-FIVING RUTH ) : You da Babe!
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define das in a sentence and how is the word das used in a sentence and examples? das造句, das造句, 用das造句, das meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.