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concept in a sentence

"concept" in Chinese  "concept" meaning  


  • CBS never showed interest in home shopping as a program concept.
  • There is no new science or technology involved in this concept,
  • Here, she has come out swinging with a provocative concept.
  • This is a dazzling'90s concept that bears further study.
  • Q : When did the concept of parole come into being?
  • "The concept that we've received,"
  • And the concept has spread to most areas of medical care.
  • But he welcomed the Mayor's embrace of the concept.
  • I was pleased we thoroughly explored the concept of revenue sharing,
  • NBC . Generic concept, generic title, moderately funny show.
  • It's difficult to see concept in a sentence .
  • But they didn't ignore the concept of a tax.
  • Mexican businesses were sometimes flustered by the very concept of competition.
  • "That was our concept, " she said.
  • The concept of " possibilities " has narrowed considerably.
  • You pump to third, forgetting the concept of base coaches.
  • The health-care reform concept sought precisely the opposite result.
  • Here is a concept around which this discipline had its beginnings.
  • Cabrinety said the Multia concept was first considered eight years ago.
  • And " average " is itself a distorting concept.
  • But the concept of " citizenship " is cruel.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define concept in a sentence and how is the word concept used in a sentence and examples? concept造句, concept造句, 用concept造句, concept meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.