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unworthiness in Chinese

How to pronounce "unworthiness"Synonyms of "unworthiness""unworthiness" in a sentence"unworthiness" meaning

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  • n.


  • An overwhelming sense of his own unworthiness suddenly bore down upon with crushing force, as he thought of this .
  • She felt mildly guilty of something - perhaps unworthiness
  • Some inhibitions or feelings of unworthiness may cloud your romantic and social prospects
  • Her prodigious innocence appalled him , freezing on his lips all ardors of speech , and convincing him , in spite of himself , of his own unworthiness
  • She leaned toward him , entreaty in her eyes , and as he looked at her delicate face and into her pure , limpid eyes , as of old he was struck with his own unworthiness
  • Turn not thy face away from us ; be gracious to our unworthiness ; but in the greatness of thy mercy and the infinity of thy goodness , overlook our transgressions and our iniquities
  • Characteristic humility , avowed his belief , that , if providence should see fit to remove him , it would be because of his own unworthiness to perform its humblest mission here on earth
  • If i cannot in honest happiness take the second place ( or the twentieth ) ; if i cannot take the first without making a fuss about my unworthiness , then i know nothing of calvary love
    若我不能真正甘心乐意地接受次要的地位(或者甚至最末后的地位) ;若我不能大方地接受首位而非要装模作样地故示不配,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
  • O lord , heavenly king , comforter , spirit of truth , have compassion and mercy on thy sinful servant and pardon my unworthiness , and forgive me all the sins that i humanly committed today , and not only humanly but even worse than a beast - my voluntary sins , known and unknown , from my youth and from evil suggestions , and from my brazenness , and from boredom
  • More examples:  1  2


  • the quality of being not particularly suitable or befitting; "he retracted nothing that he had said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person"; "his praise released from her loud protestations of her unworthiness"
    Synonyms: inappropriateness,

  • the quality or state of lacking merit or value

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What is the meaning of unworthiness in Chinese and how to say unworthiness in Chinese? unworthiness Chinese meaning, unworthiness的中文unworthiness的中文unworthiness的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.