unclasps in Chinese
- v. 解开扣子,打开( unclasp的第三人称单数 )
- "unclass" in Chinese : [网络] 联合国分类
- "unclaspings" in Chinese : [网络] 解开
- "unclassable" in Chinese : [网络] 不可分类
- "unclasped" in Chinese : v. 解开扣子,打开( unclasp的过去式和过去分词 )
- "unclassed abalone herpesvirus" in Chinese : 九孔疱疹病毒
- "unclashing" in Chinese : [网络] 解开
- "unclassed bovine spongiform encephalopathies transmissible" in Chinese : 传播性牛海绵状脑病毒
- "unclarity" in Chinese : n. 不清澈; 不清晰; 含糊; 不明确
- "unclassed cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (koi herpesvirus)" in Chinese : 锦鲤疱疹病毒
- "unclarities" in Chinese : n. 不清楚,不明晰
- She unclasped the necklet quickly ; quickly , without looking , laid it inside
她迅速解下围巾,看也不看,很快地把它放进了盒子。 - He could see her as she unclasped from her neck the locket which she fastened about his own
他可以看到她从她的脖子松开了她紧固他自己的小饰盒。 - Mr bloom unclasped his hands in a gesture of soft politeness and clasped them . smith o brien
布卢姆先生松开手指,打了个谦恭和蔼的手势,随即双手交叉起来。 - In order that he might awaken early he did not close the shutters, but contented himself with bolting the door and placing on the table an unclasped and long-pointed knife, whose temper he well knew, and which was never absent from him
为了要早醒,他不曾关百叶窗,但他小心地闩好房门,并把那柄他永不离身的尖利的小刀放在桌子上。 - His first care was given to the child; whose cries, indeed, as she lay writhing on the trundle-bed, made it of peremptory necessity to postpone all other business to the task of soothing her . he examined the infant carefully, and then proceeded to unclasp a leathern case, which he took from beneath his dress
他先诊视那孩子,是啊,那婴儿躺在轮床上辗转哭泣,使他不能不撇下其它,把平息她作为当务之急,他仔细地诊视了孩子,然后从怀里掏出一个皮匣。 - Whether he felt dread at going to the war, or grief at forsaking his wife or possibly something of bothhe evidently did not care to be seen in that mood, for, catching the sound of footsteps in the outer room, he hastily unclasped his hands, stood at the table, as though engaged in fastening the cover of the case, and assumed his habitual calm and impenetrable expression
他莫非是害怕上战场,抑或是离开妻子而忧心忡忡,也许二者兼而有之,显然,他只是不想让人家望见他有这种心境他听见门斗里的步履声,就连忙放开倒背着的手,在桌旁停步了,好像正在捆扎匣子上的布套,脸上带有平常那种宁静和神秘莫测的表情。 - Her black eyes gazed at the crowd, seeking out no one, while her slender arm, bare to above the elbow, leaned on the velvet edge of the box, and her hand, holding the programme, clasped and unclasped in time to the music with obvious unconsciousness . look, theres alenina, said sonya, with her mother, isnt it
What is the meaning of unclasps in Chinese and how to say unclasps in Chinese? unclasps Chinese meaning, unclasps的中文,unclasps的中文,unclasps的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.