temperately in Chinese
- 节制地
- 适度地
- "speak temperately" in Chinese : 有节制地说
- "temperateness" in Chinese : 节制
- "temperateinversio" in Chinese : 温度逆增现象
- "temperatephage" in Chinese : 非烈性噬菌体; 温和噬菌体
- "temperategra land" in Chinese : 温带草原
- "temperaterainforest" in Chinese : 温带雨林
- "temperateforestbio here" in Chinese : 温带森林生物层
- "temperate(lysogenic)phage" in Chinese : 温和噬菌体,溶原噬菌体
- "temperatedeciduousforest" in Chinese : 温带落叶林
- "temperato" in Chinese : 滕佩拉托
- "temperatecontinentalclimate" in Chinese : 温带大陆
- It is difficult to get from youth up a right training for virtue if one has not been brought up under right laws ; for to live temperately and hardily is not pleasant to most people , especially when they are young
对于一个没有在公正的法律上成长起来的人,在美德上去进行公平正直的训练是很困难的.过着节制和艰苦的生活对许多人来说是不能让人高兴和满意的,特别是当他们还年轻的时候 - Self - appraisal disposition steady strong , can progress unceasingly in the adverse circumstance , treats people temperately sincere , works is responsible earnestly , can bear hardships and stand hard work , has the strong organization ability and the team cooperation spirit among , can rapid adaptation each kind of environment , and fuses
- Adverb
- in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails"
Synonyms: abstemiously, abstemiously, - without extravagance; "these preferences are temperately stated"
- with restraint; "he used the privileges of his office temperately"
- in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails"
Synonyms: abstemiously, abstemiously, - without extravagance; "these preferences are temperately stated"
- with restraint; "he used the privileges of his office temperately"
Other Languages
- "temperately" meaning: Adverb: temperately tempurutlee With r...
- "temperately" meaning in Japanese: temperate?ly adv. 【副】
- "temperately" meaning in Russian: Умеренно
- "temperately" meaning in French: adv. tempérament; modérément
"speak temperately" in Chinese, "temperatecontinentalclimate" in Chinese, "temperatedeciduousforest" in Chinese, "temperateforestbio here" in Chinese, "temperategra land" in Chinese, "temperateinversio" in Chinese, "temperateness" in Chinese, "temperatephage" in Chinese, "temperaterainforest" in Chinese, "temperate(lysogenic)phage" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of temperately in Chinese and how to say temperately in Chinese? temperately Chinese meaning, temperately的中文,temperately的中文,temperately的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.