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temperately in Chinese

How to pronounce "temperately"Synonyms of "temperately""temperately" in a sentence"temperately" meaning

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  • 节制地
  • 适度地


  • It is difficult to get from youth up a right training for virtue if one has not been brought up under right laws ; for to live temperately and hardily is not pleasant to most people , especially when they are young
  • Self - appraisal disposition steady strong , can progress unceasingly in the adverse circumstance , treats people temperately sincere , works is responsible earnestly , can bear hardships and stand hard work , has the strong organization ability and the team cooperation spirit among , can rapid adaptation each kind of environment , and fuses


  • in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails"
    Synonyms: abstemiously, abstemiously,

  • without extravagance; "these preferences are temperately stated"

  • with restraint; "he used the privileges of his office temperately"

  • in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails"
    Synonyms: abstemiously, abstemiously,

  • without extravagance; "these preferences are temperately stated"

  • with restraint; "he used the privileges of his office temperately"

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What is the meaning of temperately in Chinese and how to say temperately in Chinese? temperately Chinese meaning, temperately的中文temperately的中文temperately的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.