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taxidermist in Chinese

How to pronounce "taxidermist"Synonyms of "taxidermist""taxidermist" in a sentence"taxidermist" meaning

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  • n.


  • One is an orderly , one is a leading sportsman and one is a master taxidermist
  • Send your head to the taxidermist won t be satisfied , till i get my face on a thermos
  • High risk individuals such as veterinarians , animal handlers , laboratory workers , people with occupational or avocational risk ( trappers , taxidermists ) and individuals living and working in a country where rabies is a constant threat should consider pre - exposure immunization


  • a craftsman who stuffs and mounts the skins of animals for display
    Synonyms: animal stuffer, stuffer,

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What is the meaning of taxidermist in Chinese and how to say taxidermist in Chinese? taxidermist Chinese meaning, taxidermist的中文taxidermist的中文taxidermist的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.