tataouine in Chinese
- 泰塔温
- "foum tataouine" in Chinese : 泰塔温
- "gouvernorat tataouine" in Chinese : 塔塔维纳省
- "tataouine gouvernorat" in Chinese : 塔塔维纳省
- "tatano" in Chinese : 多多纳
- "tatap" in Chinese : 菲律宾乒乓球协会
- "tatanka" in Chinese : 塔克拉玛
- "tatar" in Chinese : n.,adj. =Tartar. Tatarian, Tataric ad ...
- "tatanic contraction" in Chinese : 强直性收缩
- "tatar bazardik" in Chinese : 帕沙细克
- "tatanic" in Chinese : 用于修饰人和物
- "tatar bunar" in Chinese : 鞑靼布纳雷
- "tatani ikue" in Chinese : 多谷郁惠
Other Languages
- "tataouine" meaning in Russian: Татавин (город)
"gouvernorat tataouine" in Chinese, "foum tataouine" in Chinese, "tataouine gouvernorat" in Chinese, "tatani ikue" in Chinese, "tatanic" in Chinese, "tatanic contraction" in Chinese, "tatanka" in Chinese, "tatano" in Chinese, "tatap" in Chinese, "tatar" in Chinese, "tatar bazardik" in Chinese, "tatar bunar" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of tataouine in Chinese and how to say tataouine in Chinese? tataouine Chinese meaning, tataouine的中文,tataouine的中文,tataouine的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.