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marvel synonyms

pronunciation:marvel 's definition
  1. wonder
    Definition: noun. something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of modern science"

  1. wonder
    Definition: verb. be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child''s linguistic abilities"


  • marvel 's definition:something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of modern science"
  • marvel in Chinesen.1.惊奇的东西;可惊叹的人物,(…方面)的非凡人物,奇才。2.〔古语〕惊愕,惊叹。短语和例子vi.(〔英语〕 -ll-)〔古语〕惊叹,惊异 (at;that)。vt.对…觉得奇怪,诧异(how;why;if;what)。 ★词义强于 wonder.
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