sphincteralgia in Chinese
- 括约肌痛
- "sphincterate" in Chinese : 具括约肌
- "sphincteral achalasia" in Chinese : 括约肌弛缓不能
- "sphincterectomy" in Chinese : 括约肌切除术
- "sphincteral" in Chinese : 括约肌的
- "sphincteric" in Chinese : 括约肌的
- "sphincterai achalasia" in Chinese : 括约肌弛缓不能
- "sphincterismus" in Chinese : 括约肌痉挛 肛门括约肌痉挛
- "sphincter-saving resection" in Chinese : 保留括约肌切除术
- "sphincteritis" in Chinese : 括约肌炎
- "sphincter vesicae" in Chinese : 膀胱括约机; 膀胱括约肌
Other Languages
- "sphincteralgia" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 肛門括約筋痛{こうもん かつやくきん つう}
What is the meaning of sphincteralgia in Chinese and how to say sphincteralgia in Chinese? sphincteralgia Chinese meaning, sphincteralgia的中文,sphincteralgia的中文,sphincteralgia的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.