spasmodically in Chinese
- 断续性地
- 发作性地
- "twitch; move or contract spasmodically" in Chinese : 搐动
- "spasmodicity" in Chinese : 生长不定性
- "spasmodical" in Chinese : 发作的; 痉挛的
- "spasmodicum ectropion" in Chinese : 痉挛性睑外翻
- "spasmodic wryneck" in Chinese : 痉挛性斜颈
- "spasmodyspnea" in Chinese : 痉挛性呼吸困难
- "spasmodic twitching" in Chinese : 痉挛性颤搐
- "spasmofmuscles" in Chinese : 筋脉抱急
- "spasmodic turbidity current" in Chinese : 突发性浊流; 突发浊流
- "spasmogen" in Chinese : 痉挛素原; 致痉原
- "spasmodic tracheitis" in Chinese : 痉挛性气管炎
- The muscles of the duke's face jerked spasmodically .
公爵脸上的肌肉一阵一阵地抽搐着。 - She opened and clenched her hands spasmodically .
她的双手象抽风似地一会儿攥紧,一会儿伸开。 - In a white patch of light, where the moon shone through the branches, a man's hand was plucking spasmodically at the grass .
在月光透过树枝撒下的那一片星星点点的亮光中,一个男人的手正在痉挛地乱抓地上的青草。 - His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about , spasmodically and feebly
他顽强的手和脚开始痉挛地微弱地挣扎和划动。 - She must have seen what he was after , and should ha refused him , cried retty spasmodically
“是的,她应该那样做, ”伊茨同意说。 - He was utterly rigid except for his hands , which were opening and closing spasmodically
现在,他完全僵硬了,除了手掌时不时一开一合。 - Then , spasmodically the bowl clinked as pennies and dimes , and even quarters dropped in . oh , what a heavenly sound
这办法果然奏效,一分一角以至两角半细碎的美金硬币,断断续续的落入里。 - He sat with his leg up on the ottoman , as though he were at home , and with the amber mouthpiece in the side of his mouth , he smoked spasmodically , puckering up his face
他盘着两腿坐在土耳其式沙发上,那模样跟户主家里人不相上下,他的嘴角上深深地叼着一根琥珀烟嘴子,一面眯缝起眼睛,若断若续地抽烟。 - By inserting the barrel of an arruginated male key in the hole of an unstable female lock , obtaining a purchase on the bow of the key and turning its wards from right to left , withdrawing a bolt from its staple , pulling inward spasmodically an obsolescent unhinged door and revealing an aperture for free egress and free ingress
- Adverb
- in spurts and fits; "I began to write intermittently and spasmodically"
- with spasms; "the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner"
Synonyms: jerkily, jerkily, - in spurts and fits; "I began to write intermittently and spasmodically"
- with spasms; "the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner"
Synonyms: jerkily, jerkily,
Other Languages
- "spasmodically" meaning: Adverb: spasmodically With spasms "the mouth...
- "spasmodically" meaning in Japanese: {副} : 発作的に、突発的{とっぱつ てき}に
- "spasmodically" meaning in Russian: скачкообразно спазматически
- "spasmodically" meaning in French: adv. entermittement; d'une manière peu stable
What is the meaning of spasmodically in Chinese and how to say spasmodically in Chinese? spasmodically Chinese meaning, spasmodically的中文,spasmodically的中文,spasmodically的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by