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soldierly in Chinese

How to pronounce "soldierly"Synonyms of "soldierly""soldierly" in a sentence"soldierly" meaning

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  • 适于军人的
  • 象军人的


  • I quickly formed a great respect and admiration for his soldierly qualities .
  • The pleasure of the world is to bowl down our soldierly letter i .
  • So far as he had changed at all, he was less soldierly now than when he arrived from his octu .
  • It makes me look quite soldierly though
  • The pleasure of the world is to bowl down our soldierly letter i
    世界的乐趣就在于打倒我们象军人那样笔挺的字母“ i ” 。
  • He loves to work to the sound of opera and turns the kitchen staff into a living choir - - in contrast with kate ' s soldierly rules
  • At one moment he was excusing himself for having been taken prisoner , at the next , imagining himself before his superior officers , he was trying to prove his soldierly discipline and zeal for the service
  • Been under fire already ? asked boris . without answering , rostov , in soldierly fashion , shook the cross of st . george that hung on the cording of his uniform , and pointing to his arm in a sling , he glanced at berg
  • Jerking out the last words in soldierly fashion and waving his arms , as though he were flinging something on the ground , the drummer , a lean , handsome soldier of forty , looked sternly at the soldier - chorus and frowned
  • Henry and frederick lynn are very dashing sparks indeed ; and colonel dent is a fine soldierly man . mr . eshton , the magistrate of the district , is gentleman - like : his hair is quite white , his eyebrows and whiskers still dark , which gives him something of the appearance of a pere noble de theatre
    林恩确实精神抖擞,生气勃勃登特上校一身英武之气地方法官埃希顿先生一付绅士派头,头发相当白,眉毛和络腮胡子却依然乌黑,使他有几分像perenobledetheatre ” 。
  • More examples:  1  2


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What is the meaning of soldierly in Chinese and how to say soldierly in Chinese? soldierly Chinese meaning, soldierly的中文soldierly的中文soldierly的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.