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smoothy in Chinese

How to pronounce "smoothy"Synonyms of "smoothy""smoothy" in a sentence"smoothy" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 高尚者
  • 善于献殷勤的男子
  • 水红


  • She also uses frozen berries , which , by the way , do retain their anti - oxidant powers in a frozen fruit smoothy
  • We are satisfied with the smoothy development between our two countries ' relationship , especially the expanding of tech - economical coorperation
  • Pvc inline screw thread metal steel wire reinforced tube with even smoothy tube wall and advantages of withstand voltage , corrosion proof , acid alkali resistant , excellent bending property and unease aging , ect . it can replace ordinary rubber reinforced pipe , pe pipe , soft rigid pvc piep and partial metal pipe


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What is the meaning of smoothy in Chinese and how to say smoothy in Chinese? smoothy Chinese meaning, smoothy的中文smoothy的中文smoothy的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.