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smoothness in Chinese

How to pronounce "smoothness"Synonyms of "smoothness""smoothness" in a sentence"smoothness" meaning

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  • 光滑度
  • 光顺性
  • 滑爽性
  • 平滑度
  • 平滑性
  • 平稳度


  • She went on with persuasive smoothness .
  • He could still feel the warm smoothness of her flesh, and hear her voice .
  • The dry bracing climate and the smoothness of the land make labor easy for men and beasts .
  • With the marquis, we all decided the strong selling point was the smoothness of its ride .
  • Too high a degree polynomial produces lower residuals, but at the expense of smoothness in the derivative .
  • It is no time for adulation. the smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis .
  • The softness of a textile material is presumably built up of two components: the smoothness of the fibre and the smoothness of the fabric .
  • He had developed a kind of self-reliance and smoothness of address such as one would scarcely have credited him with three years before .
  • While she wandered through foreign galleries and churches, and rolled over the smoothness of roads, she had often longed for the company of some intelligent person of her own sex .
  • Lack of smoothness or regularity ; unevenness
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the quality of being free from errors or interruptions; "the five-speed manual gearbox is smoothness personified"

  • the quality of having a level and even surface; "the water was a glassy smoothness"; "the weather system of the Pacific is determined by the uninterrupted smoothness of the ocean"

  • the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner
    Synonyms: suavity, suaveness, blandness,

  • a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch; "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs"; "some artists prefer the smoothness of a board"

  • powerful and effective language; "his eloquence attracted a large congregation"; "fluency in spoken and written English is essential"; "his oily smoothness concealed his guilt from the police"
    Synonyms: eloquence, fluency,

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What is the meaning of smoothness in Chinese and how to say smoothness in Chinese? smoothness Chinese meaning, smoothness的中文smoothness的中文smoothness的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.