coagulopathy meaning
- Rarely, a breast hematoma can also occur spontaneously due to a rupture of blood vessels in the breast, especially in persons with coagulopathy or after long-term use of blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
- Caterpillar hairs sometimes have venoms in them and species from approximately 12 families of moths or butterflies worldwide can inflict serious human injuries ranging from urticarial dermatitis and atopic asthma to osteochondritis, consumption coagulopathy, renal failure, and intracerebral hemorrhage.
- Caterpillar hairs sometimes have toxins in them and species from approximately 12 families of moths or butterflies worldwide can inflict serious human injuries ( Urticarial dermatitis and atopic asthma to osteochondritis, consumption coagulopathy, renal failure, and intracerebral hemorrhage ).
- The diagnosis of acute liver failure is based on physical exam, laboratory findings, patient history, and past medical history to establish mental status changes, coagulopathy, rapidity of onset, and absence of known prior liver disease respectively . page 1557
- The diagnosis of acute liver failure is based on physical exam, laboratory findings, patient history, and past medical history to establish mental status changes, coagulopathy, rapidity of onset, and absence of known prior liver disease respectively . : 1557
- Significant predictors of in-hospital mortality included increased age, emergent or urgent admission, weekend admission, congestive heart failure, coagulopathy, depression, electrolyte disorder, metastatic cancer, neurologic disorder, paralysis, and non-bleeding peptic ulcer.
- The risk factors for mortality that have been reported are age younger than 10 years, short latency period between ingestion and onset of symptoms, severe coagulopathy ( blood clotting disorder ), severe hyperbilirubinemia ( jaundice ), and rising serum creatinine levels.
- By adapting the Bair Hugger patient warmer to a box they created for the purpose, they were able to raise the temperature of their irrigation and intravenous fluids to a physiologic level to help counteract the peripheral vasoconstriction and coagulopathy seen in hypothermic casualties.
- Successful efforts have been made to create knockout mice without �1, 3GT; the resulting reduction in the highly immunogenic �Gal epitope has resulted in the reduction of the occurrence of hyperacute rejection, but has not eliminated other barriers to xenotransplantation such as dysregulated coagulation, also known as coagulopathy.
- The first local and general symptoms of a bite are local pain and variable non-specific effects which may include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, dizziness, collapse or convulsions leading to major organ effects : neurotoxicity, coagulopathy, rhabdomyolysis or renal failure / damage and finally death.
What is the meaning of coagulopathy and how to define coagulopathy in English? coagulopathy meaning, what does coagulopathy mean in a sentence? coagulopathy meaning,coagulopathy definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by