coagulopathy meaning
- [Medicine]
npl -thies : a disease affecting blood coagulation
- It affects the skin or retroperitoneum of infants and children, and may be associated with severe coagulopathy
- In the acute setting, an intracranial haematoma can appear isodense on ct scanning, especially if a coagulopathy is present
- When postpartum hemorrhage occurs, the possibility of retained placental fragments, genital tract trauma and coagulopathy must be ruled out first
- In patients undergoing angiography for massive gastrointestinal bleeding, presence of comorbidity and coagulopathy, and conservative treatment are associated with higher mortality
- The coagulopathy can progress to disseminated intravascular coagulation and even death.
- The most severe result is a bleeding disorder called disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.
- Systemic symptoms can include nausea, dizziness, chills, coagulopathy, and shock.
- Systemic symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, coagulopathy, clinical bleeding and hemolysis.
- Problems still arose, however, with air embolism, coagulopathy, and hemolysis.
- Clinical features of bite wounds include bruising, profound coagulopathy, and spontaneous bleeding.
Other Languages
- "coagulopathy" meaning in Chinese: 凝血病
- "coagulopathy" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 凝固障害{ぎょうこ しょうがい}、凝固因子異常{ぎょうこ いんし いじょう}
- "coagulopathy" meaning in Russian: коагулопатия ( заболевание, при котором нарушается свертыв...
What is the meaning of coagulopathy and how to define coagulopathy in English? coagulopathy meaning, what does coagulopathy mean in a sentence? coagulopathy meaning,coagulopathy definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by