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scatterbrained meaning

scatterbrained's meaning


  • It starred Wendy Craig as Jennifer Corner, a rather scatterbrained middle-class homemaker.
  • Sarandon plays a variation on Thelma, the scatterbrained member of the T-bird twosome.
  • Beyond pushing its religious message, the movie is too scatterbrained to maintain much narrative continuity.
  • Mendes : Well, I tend to be somewhat scatterbrained so I really liked her precision.
  • She feels unusually scatterbrained at times, often losing her train of thought or rambling in conversations.
  • You could have Stupid Spice, Shallow Spice, Scatterbrained Spice, Spacey Spice and Speechless Spice.
  • Letterman looked profoundly uncomfortable with Love's scatterbrained performance, but he did get the last word.
  • He's a little scatterbrained and easily distracted, but has a first-rate deductive mind.
  • Yuko is slightly scatterbrained and has pink hair, and enjoys making fun of Okita's breasts.
  • Pete spent most of his time complaining about his scatterbrained wife Gladys, who was unseen to viewers.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
What is the meaning of scatterbrained and how to define scatterbrained in English? scatterbrained meaning, what does scatterbrained mean in a sentence? scatterbrained meaningscatterbrained definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.