scatterbrained meaning
- Adjective: scatterbrained
- Lacking sense or discretion
- rattlebrained, rattlepated, scatty [Brit] - Guided by whim and fancy
- flighty, flyaway, head-in-the-clouds
- Lacking sense or discretion
- Small and slightly scatterbrained she was in love with the animal world.
- Now is not the time to get all scatterbrained and flaky
- She's the scatterbrained but lovable associate
- She's the scatterbrained but lovable associate ..
- Mums-to-be are often told that having a baby will make them scatterbrained
- Breakout role : scatterbrained Rachel Green on " Friends"
- Irma became less bright and more scatterbrained as the program evolved.
- She can be a bit scatterbrained and oblivious to things though.
- A very lady-like but scatterbrained 18 year old girl.
- Vibrantly scatterbrained Gracie was her husband's meal ticket.
Other Languages
- "scatterbrained" meaning in Chinese: adj. 轻率的,浮躁的。
- "scatterbrained" meaning in Japanese: {形} : すぐ気が散る、そわそわした、落ち着きのない、注意散漫な、能天気{のうてんき}な
- "scatterbrained" meaning in Russian: 1) _разг. легкомысленный, ветреный
- "scatterbrained" meaning in French: adj. étourdi(e), écervelé
What is the meaning of scatterbrained and how to define scatterbrained in English? scatterbrained meaning, what does scatterbrained mean in a sentence? scatterbrained meaning,scatterbrained definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by