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roominess in Chinese

How to pronounce "roominess"Synonyms of "roominess""roominess" in a sentence"roominess" meaning

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  • 广阔
  • 可容度
  • 装量


  • spatial largeness and extensiveness (especially inside a building); "the capaciousness of Santa''s bag astounded the child"; "roominess in this size car is always a compromise"; "his new office lacked the spaciousness that he had become accustomed to"
    Synonyms: capaciousness, spaciousness, commodiousness,

  • intellectual breadth; "the very capaciousness of the idea meant that agreement on fundamentals was unnecessary"; "his unselfishness gave him great intellectual roominess"
    Synonyms: capaciousness,

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What is the meaning of roominess in Chinese and how to say roominess in Chinese? roominess Chinese meaning, roominess的中文roominess的中文roominess的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.