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procedurally in Chinese

How to pronounce "procedurally""procedurally" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 程序上


  • Is " abnormal process " rule defined procedurally
  • This gives the designer the opportunity to think procedurally
  • Methods of exploring the real number roots of a real coefficient polynomial function are procedurally given
  • Base tiles do not need to be added to each building file ; we ' ll actually build those tiles separately , or procedurally
  • Tpms manage transactions defined procedurally as sequences of operations on transactional resources such as databases
    ) tpm管理被程序化定义为针对事务性资源(比如数据库)的操作序列的事务。
  • Recommends additional pages on reading messages procedurally , handling asynchronous operations , and peeking at messages in a queue
  • That is , it procedurally handled all the logic of " navigating " the relationships between the four entities involved instead of delegating to the entity
    也就是说,它流程化的处理所有的逻辑,而不是委托给实体来处理,这些逻辑可以对涉及的四个实体之间关系进行"定位" 。
  • If the application is not procedurally compliant or subject to pending litigation or to a patent dispute , the authority - in - charge shall notify the application for cure or suspend the review proceedings until the litigation or the dispute is settled
  • Constituting a reasonable and effective legislation program is extremely important to finish the work of legislating designedly , procedurally and intentionally , which is important to ensure the laws legislated suitable and systemic as well
  • Aside from the somewhat annoying verboseness of xslt , it is limited in its expressiveness - the things you can say are expressed rather clearly and functionally , not procedurally , but you quickly bump up against all the things that you simply cannot say in xslt
    Xslt除了有些冗长外,它的表达力也有所限制您可说的事情可以清楚地表达(是功能地,不是过程地) ,但您很快增加许多无法简单地在xslt中表示的事情。
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of procedurally in Chinese and how to say procedurally in Chinese? procedurally Chinese meaning, procedurally的中文procedurally的中文procedurally的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.