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preparatory class in Chinese

How to pronounce "preparatory class""preparatory class" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • (入学前的)预备班


  • 100 is the preparatory class for students who have no exposure to chinese
  • He passed his examinations at age 11 and was admitted early to teenagers ' preparatory classes to study in the united states
  • Due to a government policy change , all preparatory classes kindergartens in special schools will cease to operate from september 2006
  • Our school choir sang songs and our school band played music whereas the kids of the preparatory class performed hand bells for her . mrs . tsang later went on stage to take photos with all student performers , giving her thumbs up to everybody
  • The school has established cooperation relationship on development stratagem with such countries as : america , france , japan , korea , canada , australia and has set up preparatory class for foreign universities , which has developed the wide international development space and built solid platform for the students to step into the world

Other Languages

  • "preparatory class" meaning in Japanese: 私立中等学校{しりつ ちゅうとう がっこう}、大学進学{だいがく しんがく}コースの私立学校{しりつ がっこう}◆大...
What is the meaning of preparatory class in Chinese and how to say preparatory class in Chinese? preparatory class Chinese meaning, preparatory class的中文preparatory class的中文preparatory class的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.